On 21/07/16 03:20 AM, Benjamin Lefoul wrote:
> I did comment on this a few times but I don't think I have received any
> response.

I am sorry you had no answers, I guess everybody thought someone else
would reply. Deadlock situation ;)

> I am a Fedora packager and I would like to know if you are interested
> in a cleaner Fedora packaging, and inclusion in the official Fedora
> repos? If not, why?

Yes! We would very much be interested.

I am the packager for the official Debian package, and I am part of the
Ring dev team. I am sure I can help help you if you have any questions.

Feel free to ping me on IRC (aviau) or by email.

Mostly, I think that the packaging should be done from scratch, I am
sure that our own packaging is not up to Fedora standards.

To get you started

Release process:
 - https://docs.ring.cx/dev/releasing.html

Release tarballs:
 - https://dl.ring.cx/ring-release/tarballs/

Current spec files:

Debian packaging (debian/rules is where most of the meat is!):
 - https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-voip/ring.git/tree/

Note that the spec files are maintained in a 'packaging' branch of the
repositories, but the rest of the files in this branch is mostly old
code, so the spec file should be used with the master branch.

I think that the way to go is to use one spec file that works from our
main tarball. It would build two binary packages:

- ring-daemon: just the dring binary
- ring: gnome-ring binary and  libringclient.so

Note that we don't want to make any guarantees on the libringclient.so
API. This is why I suggest that it is not packaged in a separate library

We are excited about this! Hopefully you have everything you need :)


Alexandre Viau

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