Sorry, I *do* see such delays. Looking into it now!

On 15/11/2019 16:02, Chris Amin wrote:
> Hi Stephane,
> This status has been a possibility since at least June, but it should
> appear only very briefly while our backend systems synchronize. If you
> are seeing it for significant amounts of time then it could indicate
> that there are delays in processing measurements (although I don't see
> such delays right now).
> In general if you see this status you should retry shortly afterwards.
> Regards,
> Chris
> On 15/11/2019 15:49, Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
>> It seems that, today, when querying the API about an existing
>> measurement, I always get:
>> {'id': None, 'name': 'synchronizing'}
>> Which I've never seen. (Measurement #23238335 but it's not the only
>> one.) A recent change? A temporay problem?

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