Fahzz wrote: 
> How do you apply Track AND Album tags using Foobar?

I was assuming that "Scan as albums (by tag)" would scan and add both
tags. But maybe I'm wrong? I have definitely used some software that
adds both at once, but now I'm in doubt if that was foobar2000 or if  I
used something else. It's a long time ago I did that procedure.

My ripper software, dBpoweramp, definitely adds both.

So, maybe my foobar2000 instruction should be ignored. At least verify
it works (shouldn't be so difficult to test, but I'm on my way to bed)

'*rockland*.dk' (https://www.rockland.dk) - '*last.fm*/user/rockland'
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'*plus.google*.com/+StigNygaard' (https://google.me/+StigNygaard)
*Server:* LMS 7.9.2 ('LmsUpdate'
(https://sourceforge.net/projects/lmsupdate/files/DSM6.x/)) -
0018.1548605546 @ Sun Jan 27 2019 on Synology DS716+II.  *Clients:*
'RPi3 (Max2Play, 7\" touch, HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro)'
(https://shop.max2play.com/en/raspberry-pi-2-bundle-7-display.html), SB
Touch, OrangeSqueeze/SqueezePlayer. *Livingroom HiFi:* Marantz PM6005
and F3/Lyd Audiovector 2.
Try my *'Art Grabr' (https://greasyfork.org/scripts/20771)* for
fetching big *cover-art* from various sites - And *'Album Linkr'
(https://greasyfork.org/scripts/21153)* for a better *last.fm* desktop
browser experience...
Stig Nygaard's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4236
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