Hello all,

We recently added the option to "button start" from the mixer, but now the 
following challenge appears: while making live radio, the DJ's often uses 
"manual", but sometimes want to play songs with a jingle in between in 
"automatic". But, if the channel is not "started", no sound will be heard. And 
if you start the channel, the next in line just starts playing.

Yes, there are ways to "hack" this, for example by playing a short file with 
the fader down and leave it started, but most of our elderly DJ's are not fast 
enough to find something like that, they just play the playlist they're 

And yes, by paying close attention to not just "stop" your channel this is also 
possible, but that's not the question.

I figured out to ask for two possibilities:
Is it possible to let all audio stick to the active channel when switched to 
"automatic"? Or,
Is it possible to bypass the button-start command when switched to "automatic"?

FYI: we use several virtual machines for Rivendell. There's RDNONSTOP, which 
does non-stop playout and decides at what times the mixer in studio 1 is 
allowed on-air (we're working on studio 2) and the non-stop stops playing. 
There are only 4 people allowed to acces RDNONSTOP.

Then there's RDSTUDIO1, which is used for playout on the studio 1 mixer at any 
time (I use it to record my show during non-stop hours). Every user is allowed 
to acces RDSTUDIO1, because we managed to make it quite idiot-proof. RDSTUDIO1 
is connected to the mixer and has button start. This is the machine that has to 
get modified for the challenge we ran into.

Thanks for thinking with me!


Peter van Embden

Radio Capelle

The Netherlands

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