Is anybody else experiencing what I described?

Brett Patram
Chief Engineer
Salem Communications Cleveland

<> on behalf of Brett Patram 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 3:09 PM
Subject: [RDD] RDCATCH 2.15.1 Export problem

Running Rivendell on Centos 7.  I just updated to version 2.15.1 yesterday. I 
really am only using RDCATCH to take care of a bunch of programs that we pull 
down. In any case I will have RDCATCH export the programs to a network share as 
a  PCM16, 44100KHZ mono WAV file.  For some reason now, Rivendell is exporting 
the files corrupt. I can read them in Audacity, but all my other applications 
throw an error message up. It is almost as if its missing its header.

I change the setting to PCM24, and it works. However the application that is 
pulling in the file reads it as a FLAC codec.

Anyone know a good place to start looking for a fix? RDCATCH doesn't generate 
an error as it doesn't check files that it exports.

Brett Patram
Chief Engineer
Salem Communications Cleveland

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