Hi All,

I've been having an odd issue recently on our 2 machine setup.

The background info: Station 2, which is a Rivendell network client
machine, plays a morning show that we get from internet delivered
syndication.  There are 4 segments per hour that get automatically placed
into a Rivendell dropbox as the files are recorded/sent from the network
studios.  We effectively delay the show 1 hour behind live by having our
Rivendell play the FTP version rather than the live satellite version.

The problem I'm having is sometimes the audio from the previous day plays,
even though it's been imported via a dropbox instance on the server.  The
database is correct as the cue marks, title, end dates and all other
metadata is updated, but the old audio plays out.

This does not happen on the same cut day to day, nor does it always
happen.  Some days work perfectly, others are a lot glitchier.

My short-term solution is deleting all the show carts each day and then let
dropbox create new carts the next morning. That has worked without any
noticeable issues. But on days where I forget to delete the cuts, the
problem pops up.

The network client mounts the /var/snd via fstab on startup. Is there a
possibility that the file is persisting in a local cache on the client
machine and not reading the newly imported version from the server?

I'm running CentOS 6.8,v2.15.1, installed from and then upgraded Paravel
Appliance if that helps.

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