
That was it.  Going into RDAdmin and granting the "User" permission to the new 
service did the trick.  Thank you.


On Mon, Jul 02, 2018 at 05:43:56AM -0700, Mike Carroll wrote:
> For the missing services, check that your "user" and "admin" Rivendell user
> ids (and any others) are authorized for those new services: RDAdmin, Manage
> Users, Service Permissions.  (It appears that Rivendell no longer
> automatically authorizes a new service for all users.)
> On Sun, Jul 1, 2018 at 8:14 PM <riv...@braingia.org> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm new to Rivendell and I'm having some difficulty trying to get voice
> > tracking to work.  Apologies in advance for the length of this email.
> > In short, I don't see generated logs in RdLogEdit - the service that I
> > created doesn't show up in RdLogEdit either, so that's probably why the
> > logs aren't there, but I don't know how to get the service or logs to
> > show up in RdLogEdit.  Hoping for some pointers in the right direction.
> >
> > I have rivendell set up in a proof of concept and have clocks set up and
> > logs generating through a service that I created called "Test".  Music
> > has been imported and I have a legal ID timed to the top of the hour.
> > So, the hours are working as expected, music is being chosen and
> > scheduled automatically, etc.
> >
> > I believe, though I'm not sure, that I have the prerequisites set up for
> > voice tracking.  I have a group set up for voice tracks and I have that
> > group set up as the "Voicetrack Group" in the "Test" service.  The
> > "Test" service has "Chain To" selected and has "Autorefresh" selected.
> > I have an event called VoiceTracks setup.  Within that event I
> > right-click on the "Pre-Import Carts" and select "Add Voice Track".
> >
> > Within the clock, I have a 15 second placeholder for voice tracks and I
> > have selected the VoiceTracks event.  I can see the placeholder in
> > RDAirPlay where the voicetrack should be.
> >
> > Here's where the trouble begins.  I can generate a log using
> > RDLogManager.  The log generates with no exceptions.  However, that log
> > does not show up in RDLogEdit and therefore, it does not appear as
> > though I can record a voice track.  The "Test" service that I set up
> > does not even appear in RDLogEdit, so the logs aren't there either.
> >
> > I'm running v2.19.2 on CentOS7, if that's important.
> >
> > Thank you for any pointers that you can provide.
> >
> > Steve
> >
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