Virtually the same problem I'm having on 2.10.3 on Linux Mint 17.
Occasionally, the Library module, when copying a cut and pasting it to a
new cut, actually puts the file in /var/snd/ but then the Library denies
that there is any audio in that new cut.  I've got a bunch of these
supposedly zero-length tracks and rddbcheck does not find them.
Frustrating, because I do not really know how to deal with them--or even
how to find them.  It was imperative to modify the original files of
dozens of tracks, and so I just ate the error, figuring maybe I will
figure out how to deal with these tracks some day, some way.  I copied
the original, unedited cut to a new cut to preserve it unedited, but
those unplayable tracks that are definitely NOT zero length in /var/snd/
are now all over the library, and I cannot make the Library see that
there is audio in them.  Not a permissions problem, because both the old
and new tracks have exactly the same permissions, owners, and groups.

--Chuck W.

> On Tue, 3 Jul 2018 18:01:21 -0700
> Rich Stivers <> wrote:
> Subject: [RDD] Rddbcheck Not Finding A Zero-Length Cart
> Has anyone had a zero-length cart (red line in Rdlibrary) that 
> Rddbcheck doesn't find? I have one. I could delete the cart and 
> import it again, but I thought Rddbcheck was supposed to find 
> these and allow you to fix them. This cart has the 
> corresponding audio file in /var/snd.
> Rddbcheck has worked for me in the past.
> Rich Stivers
> KKUP-FM 91.5
> Cupertino/San Jose CA

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