Rivendell 3.5 on CentOS7 minimal (The Appliance)

"New Install" - Cannot edit carts in RDLibrary.  RDLibrary lists the carts
and RDAirPlay will play the carts, RDLibrary will import audio, but you
cannot edit the markers or the start/stop dates - RDLibrary "hangs" when
you click on the buttons in Edit.  When you try to Close or use the "X"
button you get a message that the application is busy.  This is true for
carts added manually to RDLibrary as well as imported.

The database was imported from a Rivendell 2.5 under CentOS6 Appliance by
cp /var/snd/*.* into the /var/snd/ of the RD3.5 unit and also copying the
original database backup file to the RD3.5 unit then restoring the database
using RDDBConfig.  When prompted, I opted to let it update the database to
the current schema.

What is the best course of action to fix RDLibrary Edit functions?  Can the
database be salvaged?  (The original database is still available for now.)
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