More commits to the formbroker package:

 - the default values management has been improved
 and simplified.
- new method 'response' fills an array with the last processed response. If called before method 'validate' the array is filled with only the defaults values assigned to the form variables. This makes possible to always have a response array to pass to the form package creator

$fbobj response ?last_response?

populates the array 'last_response' with the processed response. If no argument is given the default array name is 'response' following the same convention of ::rivet::load_response

for completeness we also should add a 'reset' method that invalidates the internal form representation and brings it to its initial status

 -- Massimo

On 10/18/2016 09:49 PM, Massimo Manghi wrote:
I'm sending this message  to the list once again because I wrote it from
a non subscribed address but apparently I tell elzm to accept it (maybe
someone did moderate it out?)

I've just committed a new version of the form broker that handles also
default values (just adding 'default <value>' to the list)

method 'validate' now accept a third optional parameter as name of an
array where the filtered response is copied into. If this argument is
specified then the original 'response' array is (should be) untouched

$fbobj validate ?-forcequote? response ?filtered_response?

 -- Massimo

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