It seems that the wrong INSTALLDIR error would be a configuration error
in the rkhunter.conf file.  I've been through it over and over and I'm
beginning to see aliens.  Could it possibly be this statement?

# Specify the root directory to use.


Incidentally, Mike, thank you.  I'm using Evolution.  Also I can attach
the rkhunter.conf if necessary.

On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 12:24 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
> Duane Loftus wrote:
> > OK, time for dumb questions.
> > 
> > 1.  John Horne says: It hasn't installed properly, try re-installing.
> > The INSTALLDIR option must exist for RKH to run.
> > 
> > Is there any guidance on re-installing?  Obviously, whatever I did to
> > initally "install" wasn't very successful. 
> I run with FC2, and have no problems, other than it's starting
> to complain about some of the software being "too old".
> >  - do I need to uninstall first?  If so how.
> I would. If you used RPM to install, then that's the way. If you
> used the method, then I'd simply go to /usr/local
> and use find to find all instances of "rk*", and send the output
> to a file. If it looked ok, I'd rerun with -exec rm -rf {} \;
> to remove the files. If it didn't look ok, then I'd edit it up
> into a shell script, and only delete the files associated with
> rkhunter.
> >  - is there a decent guide to installing (given the file structure of
> > Red Hat Fedora Core 6).
> I put all that "extra" stuff for root in /usr/local.
> > 2.  Have I been successful in eliminating HTML from this email?
> Hard for me to tell. I use Thunderbird, and it sorta hides that fact.
> > 3.  How do I reply and keep this in the thread.  Helmut Hullen points
> > out that I was not, "Please keep the traffic in the mailing list - thank
> > you."
> That depends on how you read. What I have to do (and I forgot in the
> most recent post I made, and got slapped on the wrist similarly) is
> right click on the list e-mail address and "copy address", then click
> on the "reply" button, then click in the "To" field and "paste" the
> lists e-mail address in, then edit out the originator's address.
> Kinda PITA, gotta admit.
> Some mail clients have a "reply to list" button which works.
> > Many thanks for all your help.  I will eventually get there ... I hope!
> I run it on even older software, so I don't foresee any problem. You
> will likely get some "false" positives about old versions, which may
> safely be ignored, IMO.
> As software gets older and older, the exploits gradually get known, get
> fixed, and then are no longer considered viable means of entry, so no
> longer get tried. The "bad guys" move on to the new defects introduced
> by the fixes. So, the security holes in the older software eventually
> become "forgotten".
> I've got a machine which runs only MSDOS 6.0, and it's completely
> safe from exploit now. NOBODY writes stuff to try to compromise it
> anymore.
> Mike


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