On 26/05/2010 5:34 AM, Mike McCarty wrote:
John Horne wrote:
On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 09:34 -0700, Duane Loftus wrote:

3.  How do I reply and keep this in the thread.  Helmut Hullen points
out that I was not, "Please keep the traffic in the mailing list - thank

This is one of those problems that crops up on mailing lists every so
often. It sometimes causes arguments :-( This mailing list does not
Yes, sometimes HEATED arguments.

include a 'Reply-To:' header. As such if you just hit 'reply' with your
mail client, you will reply to the original sender of the message, not
to the mailing list. Some mailing lists include the reply-to header,
others do not. As has already been mentioned, some mail clients include
a 'reply to list' option, so you could use that if available. For me, I
hit 'reply to all', remove the original senders address, and cut/paste
the mailing list address in.
Reply to all sometimes works, and sometimes not. With this list, it
seems to work (with Thunderbird, anyway). Just delete the originator,
and change the "CC:" to a "To:".

Try the latest Thunderbird 3.0.4 which has a "reply list" works a treat and is a vast improvement on ye-ole TB.

- George

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