Nerijus Baliunas wrote:
> Hello,
> Fedora 13 has openssh 5.4p1, which requires to explicitly enable ssh protocol 
> 1:
> # The default requires explicit activation of protocol 1
> #Protocol 2
> But rkhunter displays a warning:
> Warning: The SSH configuration option 'Protocol' has not been set.
>          The default value may be '2,1', to allow the use of protocol version 
> 1.
> Should I just set ALLOW_SSH_PROT_V1=1 or could rkhunter autodetect
> that this version does not need option 'Protocol' to be set?

I think it's asking a bit much to want a tool like rkhunter
to "know" what every host it may be run on has as its defaults
for everything. If you want the warning to go away, then my
suggestion is explicitly to uncomment the "Protocol 2" line
so, even though that's the default, rkhunter will know that
version 1 is not allowed. I suggest not turning off the test.

That's what I would do in your position.

I've got the same warning, and just ignore it, with FC2.
OTOH, I don't have SSH enabled at all.

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