On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 14:58 +0300, Nerijus Baliunas wrote:
> Hello,
> Fedora 13 has openssh 5.4p1, which requires to explicitly enable ssh protocol 
> 1:
> # The default requires explicit activation of protocol 1
> #Protocol 2
> But rkhunter displays a warning:
> Warning: The SSH configuration option 'Protocol' has not been set.
>          The default value may be '2,1', to allow the use of protocol version 
> 1.
> Should I just set ALLOW_SSH_PROT_V1=1 or could rkhunter autodetect
> that this version does not need option 'Protocol' to be set?
No. From the config file:

  ...If the 'Protocol' option has not been set in the SSH
  # configuration file, then a value of '2' may be set here in order to
  # suppress a warning message.

So set it to '2'.


John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1752 587287    Fax: +44 (0)1752 587001


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