On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 15:33 +0100, John Horne wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-05-27 at 07:06 -0700, Duane Loftus wrote:
> >
> > I went into rkhunter.conf and commented out the line:
> > 
> > #BINDIR="/bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin 
> > /usr/libexec /usr
> > /local/libexec"
> > 
> Why?
> > But I am still getting the "symbolic link: /etc/rc.local" response.  
> > 
> You will do (although BINDIR has absolutely nothing to do with it).
> > 
> > Unfortunately, I messed around with rkhunter.conf before reading your
> > advice to do a rkhunter.conf.local.  Should I do another reinstall?
> > 
> Yes, probably best. Using the installer program run './installer.sh
> --remove' first, to remove the old RKH installation. Then reinstall
> ('./installer.sh --install'). Then leave the /etc/rkhunter.conf file
> alone - completely.
> Once installed run 'rkhunter --update --propupd'. Then run 'rkhunter -c
> --sk'. Anything which produces warnings, which you know are
> false-positives, then correct them using the configuration file options,
> and putting them into your '/etc/rkhunter.conf.local' file. (This file
> won't exist initially, you will have to create it.)
> When RKH runs it will look at '/etc/rkhunter.conf', but will then look
> at '/etc/rkhunter.conf.local' (if it exists) and override any previously
> set options.
> John.
OK .. in process of "re-installing" AND will create a
rkhunter.conf.local file (this time).  Thank you ... again.

While going thru deletions, I ran across this (random-seed) file
in /var/lib.  Anyone know what it is?

[r...@ip-208-109-24-147 lib]# ls
alternatives  dbus   logrotate.status  mysql  php    random-seed
sepolgen      tomcat5
awstats       games  misc              ntp    plesk  rkhunter
spamassassin  webalizer
dav           httpd  mlocate           pgsql  psa    rpm
[r...@ip-208-109-24-147 lib]# more random-seed
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