On Sun, 2019-02-24 at 11:33 -0600, Patrick Kirchner wrote:
> Hi,
> I have this warning, which is new for my system, this morning in the
> rkhunter.log report.
> The contents of /var/run/udev.pid are just 3219, which matches the udevd
> process:
> ps -ef |grep 3219
> root      3219     1  0 Feb23 ?        00:00:00 /sbin/udevd
> /sbin/udevd reports as an ELF binary:
> sudo file  /sbin/udevd
> /sbin/udevd: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV),
> dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux
> 3.2.0, stripped
> It looks to belong to the installed udevd package on my Gentoo system:
> equery b  /sbin/udevd
>  * Searching for /sbin/udevd ...
> sys-fs/eudev-3.2.5 (/sbin/udevd)
> Can I somehow safely whitelist this file in /etc/rkhunter.conf?  I don't see
> any other PID files whitelisted so I'm hesitant to do this.  If so, is there
> a special syntax for whitelisted a PID file as opposed to SCRIPTWHITELIST ?
Without installing gentoo, it is a bit difficult to see (using google) if udev
creates a pid file in /run/udev. (My fedora system does not.)
On the one hand if xorddos was present then I would have expected to have seen
more than one warning (there are several checks for xorddos, so receiving just
the one warning sways me towards a false-positive).
On the other hand, why has this just started now? I assume you had udevd
running before, and have run rkhunter on the system before. So why is the pid
file only now created and detected? That seems suspicious.

In answer to your question though, take a look at the config option


John Horne | Senior Operations Analyst | Technology and Information Services
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