
On Thu, 28 Apr 2022 18:30:49 +0200
Thierry Thomas <thie...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Le jeu. 28 avr. 22 à 15:10:26 +0200, Thomas Friedrichsmeier
> <thomas.friedrichsme...@kdemail.net> écrivait :
> > And as an afterthought: What happens when you select Window->Show
> > Output->[Unnamed][Active] in a fresh session? If the same, could you
> > follow the above procedure, too, to produce a debug log?  
> Attached too.
> Note: there is no [Unnamed][Active] but default.rko [Active]

thanks. With this, and the other log, I think I now understand what

1. The initial difference between our setups is that you use a
"persistent" output file, i.e. the same output file is opened every
session (and at the end of each session, you have the choice to save
the new additions, but I digress). This is actually the default
setting, but I had changed it.

2. This output file has probably been broken during the auto-tests
session. Due to 1), starting a fresh session does not change anything
for you, but did for me.

3. The contents of the output file do not get auto-detected as mimetype
text/html, which means we have to use a workaround to render them as
HTML, and that workaround is/was buggy.

So, moving to a solution:

4. I believe, if you move ~.rkward/default.rko out of the way (while
RKWard is closed), then start a fresh session, the problem should go
away. If this is so, then a patch may not be needed in the port, as
regular users will not trigger the bug.

5. Should I be wrong on 4), this is the commit to backport:


Thanks for your help!

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