
am Montag 27 Juni 2011 (17:34) schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> hm, strange thing. I managed reproduce the problem once, using the
> following test-script:
>   for (i in 1:5) {
>       rk.set.output.html.file(tempfile())
>       Sys.sleep (1)
>       rk.print (i)
>       Sys.sleep (1)
>   }
> and then closing the output windows one by one. After that, somehow I could
> not reproduce it any more, no matter what I tried. No idea.

cosider your script pure magic -- i just tried it, and it didn't even produce 
the problem during the first run 8-)

RKWard version 0.5.6z+0.5.7-0daily+3183+201106242148~natty1

> Of course, either way, the proper place to fix this, is still in KDElibs.


> Good question. While rk.set.output.html.file() exists, so far, the general
> assumption in RKWard is that there is _one_ output file, and the user will
> rarely switch to a different file.

personally, i sometimes think it would be nice to have one file per analysis 
or "project", or workspace... in general it would better fit my view on 
workflows. because when i start RKWard, i usually want to work on something 
explicitly, and since i often have several projects in parallel, the one 
output file for all becomes increasingly difficult to read over time.

but that's just me, and actually a different topic than how i got into the 
current ex-issue ;-)

> Is this for a plugin, or for a (private) script?

it was a script, here's the use case: i had to repeatedly analyze 12 different 
texts with my koRpus package (which btw. is really fun to work with now ;-)). 
each analysis ends up spitting out two tables with about 1000 rows and several 
columns of (mostly) text. if this had all ended up in one huge file, it would 
have been quite uncomfortable to work with later; i was giving it to students 
for further analysis of those texts, where they sometimes had to change back 
and forth within one text.

> 1) Use R2HTML, directly, instead of rk.print() and friends.

sure, could have done that. i just thought, well, there's this nice GUI, let's 
see if it can help me here, too ;-)

> 3) Uncheck Settings->Configure RKWard->Output->Show window on new output .
> This way you won't be flooded with windows.

i'll maybe do that the next time.

in the meantime, i began to think of something new which i'd find cool for the 
results. well, it's three things:

a) possibility of some form of a table of contents (like named anchors in the 
HTML), e.g. for longer analysis results, and a "top" link at the end of each 
"subresult". could be implemented as two functions like rk.insert.TOC() and 
rk.insert.toplink() and then be used in plugins. the "top" link would only 
jump back to the beginning of the plugin results it belongs to. this would 
make it easier to navigate through results.

b) a link to copy only the portion of results it belongs to to the clipboard 
(full HTML)

c) a "delete" link to remove the portion of results it belongs to from the 
results file

as for b) and c), i can't think of a way to do this in plain HTML, and i have 
never tried anything like c) before. i think b) could somehow be possible with 
<span> and some javascript, where "copy to clipboard" might be the tricky 

let me know if you think any of this is worth a shot. then, when i have some 
time, i could try to do some proof-of-concepts there.

viele grüße :: m.eik

dipl. psych. meik michalke
institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
heinrich-heine-universit"at 40225 d"usseldorf

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