написане Mon, 27 Oct 2014 14:11:40 +0200, Thomas Friedrichsmeier  

> Hi all!
> (I've put several people in BCC who have worked on RKWard translations  
> during
> the past year, or so; apologies if you receive this mail twice).
> As most of you are aware, RKWard's plugins and help pages were not
> translatable, so far. This is finally about to change. Not everything is  
> in
> place, yet, and it probably does not make sense to actually start  
> translating
> anyhting, yet, but we're definitely making progress, and I'd like to ask  
> you
> for feedback before things are finalized.
> Here are my questions. First the ones where I'm hoping for feedback from
> translators, specifically:
> 1) I have written a custom script to extract messages from plugins and  
> plugin
> help pages (not the .js-files, yet). This adds quite a bit of context
> information (hopefully useful) to the translated strings. Could you  
> please
> take a look at
>   http://rkward.sourceforge.net/temp/rkward__analysis.pot
> ? These are the messages extracted from the "analysis" plugin-map  
> (roughly
> corresponding to the "Analysis" top-level menu). Don't start translating
> anything, yet, but please scan over the strings: Is the given context
> information readable to you? Would you like to see anything more /  
> different /
> less?


Yes, it is readable for me (Lokalize and Virtaal). The hints are very  
useful and complete.

> 1b) The above does not yet contain any manually added context  
> information,
> except for two small bits that I added for testing. Naturally, at some  
> points
> it will be necessary to add comments and contexts, manually. Little  
> point in
> searching for all those, systematically, yet, but please do report those
> ambigous strings that come to your attention.
> 2) The framework for plugin translations allows us to split translations  
> into
> pretty much as many message catalogs as we like. For external plugins,  
> this
> will always have to be small catalogs, covering only the plugin(s) in the
> package. For the "official" plugins, we could split by .pluginmap  
> (leading to
> seven separate catalogs + rkward.pot), or we could include everything in  
> a
> single catalog (i.e. two catalogs in total, counting rkward.pot). More
> catalogs probably mean some more bureaucracy, and some strings will be
> duplicate across .pluginmaps. On the other hand, a split up should lead  
> to a
> more uniform context for the strings inside, and may make it easier to  
> make a
> useful start e.g. on translating plotting plugins, without having to be  
> an
> expert on IRT terminology, for instance. Any preferences?

Both are good for me. Most of the current CATs have translation memory  
capabilities so it would be better to have translations split into  
separate catalogs from translation POV. On the other hand, it can make  
packaging harder.

> 3) So you actually want to test a translation, already? Well, I told you  
> not
> to start translating, yet. And also, not all translated strings will be  
> shown
> translated, yet. I'm still working on that.
> But here you go: Use an SVN checkout for building. Save your translated  
> .po as
> po/plugins/rkward__analysis.xy.po (where "xy" is your language code; and  
> yes,
> that is a double underscore, just as in the .pot file name). make &&  
> sudo make
> install . (*)

Many thanks for your work. Does not work for me this way (even with  
manually copied rkward__analysis.mo), but I'm sure it should work later.

Best regards,

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