On Tue, Apr 9, 2024 at 4:48 PM Cristian Paslaru <cryst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://blog.google/products/gmail/gmail-security-authentication-spam-protection/
> *By February 2024, Gmail will start to require that bulk
> senders:Authenticate their email: You shouldn’t need to worry about the
> intricacies of email security standards, but you should be able to
> confidently rely on an email’s source. So we're requiring those who send
> significant volumes to strongly authenticate their emails following
> well-established best practices. Ultimately, this will close loopholes
> exploited by attackers that threaten everyone who uses email.*
Astea le zic la fiecare schimbare, ma indoiesc ca badici.ro e bulk sender,
si vad ca Mihai e oricum vag confuz despre ce e spf-ul si cu ce ne ajuta
sau incurca el in viata. Asteptam logurile si o descriere mai adecvata a
problemei inainte sa speculam. Cum ziceam si mai devreme, mailul catre mine
a fost livrat direct si n-a mieunat absolut nimic prin headere, suspectez o
problema de layer 8 undeva.

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