
I have been using Robinhood 3.1-1 to cleanup old files from our scratch file 
systems but when adding a rmdir policy to remove empty directories it is not 
working. Scanning the file system with a fresh database populates the target 
fileclass as expected and the database entry-info for the directories seems to 
fit my policy deletion rules. However, when running the policy, it completes 
successfully but without removing any directories. This is how I am running the 

[xctrh00:~]$ sudo robinhood -f test --run=rmdir --once

When running the policy with log verbosity level DEBUG or FULL the directories 
within the target fileclass are not in the output.

I have appended the configuration file below - any help with this would be 

Many thanks

[xctrh00:~]$ cat /etc/robinhood.d/test.conf
General {
    fs_path = "/work";
    fs_type = lustre;

#### policy definitions ####

# include template policy definitions for legacy TMPFS flavor
%include "includes/tmpfs.inc"

# include template policy definitions for removing directories
%include "includes/rmdir.inc"

#### fileclass definitions ####

FileClass working_empty_dir {
    definition { type == "directory" and dircount == 0 and tree == 
"/work/.lustre_home/research/working/d0*/*/jtmp/*" }

FileClass scratch_empty_dir {
    definition { type == "directory" and dircount == 0 and tree == 
"/work/.lustre_multi/research/scratch/d0*/*/*" }

FileClass research_home {
    definition { type == "file" and tree == 
"/work/.lustre_home/research/home/d0*/*" }

FileClass research_working {
    definition { type == "file" and tree == 
"/work/.lustre_home/research/working/d0*/*" }

FileClass research_data {
    definition { type == "file" and tree == 
"/work/.lustre_multi/research/data/d0*/*" }

FileClass research_scratch {
    definition { type == "file" and tree == 
"/work/.lustre_multi/research/scratch/d0*/*" }

FileClass largedir {
    definition { type == "directory" and dircount > 10000 }

FileClass hpc_admins {
    definition { group == "crayadm" or group == "super_unix" }

#### Deleting old unused files ####

cleanup_rules {

# don't purge entries matching the following conditions
    ignore { owner == "root" or type == "symlink" or type == "fifo" or type == 
"socket" }

# don't purge files from the following fileclasses
    ignore_fileclass = hpc_admins;
    ignore_fileclass = research_home;
    ignore_fileclass = research_data;
    #ignore_fileclass = working_empty_dir;
    ignore_fileclass = scratch_empty_dir;

# cleanup policy for files older than 30 days
    rule clean_files {
        target_fileclass = research_working;
        target_fileclass = research_scratch;
        condition { last_access > 30d }

# trigger cleanup policy every 24 hours
cleanup_trigger {
    trigger_on = periodic;
    check_interval = 24h;

############# rmdir rules ############

# specifies no default sort order should be applied to the policy
#rmdir_parameters {
#    lru_sort_attr = none;

# trigger rmdir policy every 24 hours
rmdir_trigger {
    trigger_on = periodic;
    check_interval = 24h;

rmdir_rules {

# don't remove directories matching the following conditions
    ignore { owner == "root" or depth < 5 }

# don't remove directories from the following fileclasses
    ignore_fileclass = hpc_admins;
    ignore_fileclass = research_home;
    #ignore_fileclass = research_working;
    ignore_fileclass = research_data;
    ignore_fileclass = research_scratch;
    ignore_fileclass = scratch_empty_dir;

# remove empty directories after 30 days
    rule rmdir_empty {
        target_fileclass = working_empty_dir;
        action = common.rmdir;

        condition { last_mod > 30d }

#### end of policy rules #####

Log {
    debug_level = EVENT;
    log_file = "/var/log/robinhood/work_fs.log";
    report_file = "/var/log/robinhood/reports.log";
    alert_file = "/var/log/robinhood/alerts.log";
    stats_interval = 5min;
    log_hostname = TRUE;

ListManager {
    commit_behavior = autocommit;

    MySQL {
        server = localhost;
        db = robinhood_work;
        user = robinhood;
        password_file = /etc/robinhood.d/.dbpassword;
        engine = InnoDB;

EntryProcessor {
    nb_threads = 32;
    STAGE_GET_FID_threads_max = 24;
    STAGE_GET_INFO_DB_threads_max = 24;
    STAGE_GET_INFO_FS_threads_max = 24;
    STAGE_PRE_APPLY_threads_max = 24;
    STAGE_DB_APPLY_threads_max = 24;
    max_pending_operations = 100000;
    max_batch_size = 1;

FS_Scan {
    scan_interval = 1d;
    nb_threads_scan = 8;
    scan_op_timeout = 1h;
    exit_on_timeout = TRUE;
    spooler_check_interval = 1min;

    Ignore {
        # ignore large directories
        tree == "/work/home/crayadm/lfsck-1M"
        tree == 

Changelog {
   MDT {
      mdt_name = "MDT0000";
      reader_id = "cl2";
   MDT {
      mdt_name = "MDT0001";
      reader_id = "cl1";
   MDT {
      mdt_name = "MDT0002";
      reader_id = "cl1";

   batch_ack_count = 1024;
   force_polling = ON;
   polling_interval = 1s;
   queue_max_size = 1000;
   queue_max_age = 5s;
   queue_check_interval = 1s;

[xctrh00:~]$ cat /etc/robinhood.d/includes/rmdir.inc
# This rmdir policy applies to all directories (empty or non-empty)
# This allow applying policies to both empty and non empty directories
# in a single policy run.
# - Explicitely add conditions "dircount == 0" in targeted fileclass
# to apply action to empty directories only.
# - Explicitely set action = cmd("rm -fr {fullpath}") in the policy rules
# to recursively remove non-empty directories.

define_policy rmdir {
    scope {type == directory}
    status_manager = none;
    default_action = common.rmdir;
    default_lru_sort_attr = last_mod;

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