Das klingt schwer nach einem Hype. 

Erstens gibt es Proxis, zweitens müsste für sowas die US-Verfassung
geändert werden, drittens gibt es ja noch andere Länder als die USA auf
der Welt.

Immer wieder erstaunlich, welche Allmachtsphantasien Politiker gegenüber
dem Internet entwickeln.

Manuel Bonik <man...@nightacademy.net>

> off topic ? maybe not
> please distribute!
> > Dear friends,
> > 
> > Right now, the US Congress is debating a law that would give them the power 
> > to
> > censor the world's internet -- creating a blacklist that could target 
> > YouTube,
> > WikiLeaks and even groups like Avaaz! 
> > 
> > Under the new law, the US could force internet providers to block any 
> > website
> > on suspicion of violating copyright or trademark legislation, or even 
> > failing to
> > sufficiently police their users' activities. And, because so much of the
> > internet's hosts and hardware are located in the US, their blacklist would 
> > clamp
> > down on the free web for all of us. 
> > 
> > The vote could happen any day now, but we can help stop this -- champions in
> > Congress want to preserve free speech and tell us that an international 
> > outcry
> > would strengthen their hand. Let’s urgently raise our voices from every 
> > corner
> > of the world and build an unprecedented global petition calling on US 
> > decision
> > makers to reject the bill and stop internet censorship. Click below to sign 
> > and
> > then forward as widely as possible - our message will be delivered directly 
> > to
> > key members of the US Congress ahead of the crucial vote: 
> > 
> > http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_internet/?cl=1393071729&v=11162
> > 
> > For years, the US government has condemned countries like China and Iran for
> > their clampdown on Internet use. But now, the impact of America's new 
> > censorship
> > laws could be far worse - effectively blocking sites to every Internet user
> > across the globe. 
> > 
> > Last year, a similar Internet censorship bill was killed before reaching 
> > the US
> > Senate floor, but it's now back in a different form. Copyright laws already
> > exist and are enforced by courts. But this new law goes much further -- 
> > granting
> > the government and big corporations enormous powers to force service 
> > providers
> > and search engines to block websites based just on allegations of 
> > violations -
> > without a trial or being found guilty of any crime! 
> > 
> > US free speech advocates have already raised the alarm, and some key 
> > Senators
> > are trying to gather enough support to stop this dangerous bill. We have no 
> > time
> > to lose. Let's stand with them to ensure American lawmakers preserve the 
> > right
> > to a free and open Internet as an essential way for people around the world 
> > to
> > exchange ideas, share communication and work collectively to build the 
> > world we
> > want. Sign below to stop US censorship, and save the internet as we know 
> > it: 
> > 
> > http://www.avaaz.org/en/save_the_internet/?cl=1393071729&v=11162 
> > 
> > In the past months, from the Arab Spring to the global Occupy Movement, 
> > we've
> > seen first hand how the Internet can galvanize, unify and change the world. 
> > Now,
> > if we stand together, we can stop this new attack on Internet freedom. We've
> > done it before -- in Brazil and Italy, Avaaz members have won major 
> > victories in
> > the fight for a free Internet. Let's take the fight global, and mobilize to
> > defeat the most powerful censorship threat that the Internet has ever seen. 
> > 
> > With hope, 
> > 
> > Luis, Dalia, Diego, Emma, Ricken, Aaron, Antonia, Benjamin and the rest of 
> > the
> > Avaaz team 
> > 

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