Dear Network, Partners, and Friends!

CONT3XT.NET is a Vienna-based initiative founded in January 2006.
Programmatically, this group of artists, curators and writers - their
different roles and functions sometimes regarded strictly, sometimes as a
fluid continuum - work at the basis of contemporary visual, textual and
networked practices. Starting from the idea of the context as the most
indecisive and variable but relevant constraint of any situation, the
collective reflects upon the spatial, temporal, discursive as well as the
institutional framework that conceptual artistic practices (on the Internet
and elsewhere) are rooted in today.

After six successful years of intense, diverting, and precarious work with
a whole bunch of online and offline exhibitions, conversations about (new
media) art with (new media) artists, online discussions and online
reasearch as well as lectures, talks and presentations inside and outside
Austria, after three publications outlining the basic ideas of our main
projects, we decided to stop CONT3XT.NET by January 2012.

Nevertheless we will keep on working - sometimes collaboratively, sometimes
as a fluid continuum. If you wish to contact us or send some feedback,
please write an e-mail to the following address and stay tuned:

*If you wish to celebrate the past six years with us, let's have a drink:*
New Bar, Rotensterngasse / Zirkusgasse, 1020 Vienna
Friday, 10 February 2012, 8 p.m.

Many thanks for your support!
With our best wishes,

Sabine Hochrieser, Michael Kargl, Birgit Rinagl, Franz Thalmair
CONT3XT.NET 2006-2012

rohrpost - deutschsprachige Liste zur Kultur digitaler Medien und Netze

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