Reminder, please comment on proposals if you have something to say. I plan to start implementing my 4.0 proposals very soon.

-- Allen

Allen Gilliland wrote:
new 4.0 proposal up to support to individual templates by action ...

This is a proposal to support a way to define individual or separate template files for various weblog page actions. Actions would be things like search results page (<weblog>/search) or tags index page (<weblog>/tags/).

Currently Roller does all of its page rendering via a single template, the Weblog template, and quite frankly that is just not good enough. Blogs have many pages which will often times have fairly different designs and Roller should support that. A great example is the search results page which typically has a much different layout and design than a blog homepage and yet Roller doesn't make it easy to accomplish that. It is the goal of this proposal to make it possible for users to have individual templates to control the page designs for various weblog actions.

please review and comment.

-- Allen

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