Cool.  I would suggest that you run *both* mstone *and* the Citadel stress 
tester simultaneously, along with the usual menagerie of RSS and POP3, and 
make sure the autopurger does its thing at the same time.  Only when these 
tests run cleanly every time should the code be checked in.  
 For extra credit you might even consider testing on a non-Linux system.  
 Fortunately you aren't trying to hit a moving target -- I'm working 
pretty much exclusively inside my XMPP module right now (after quite a lot 
of implementing the XMPP basics, I finally got to the point where it 
displays the wholist in Pidgin ... quite an accomplishment!) so you don't 
have to worry about working on code that I'm making other changes to.  
 Hopefully we can also figure out why some people are having lockups along 
the way.  

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