>  Where at? And are the archives versioned?
> Only thing I could find at the http://easyinstall.citadel.org
> site (which I found because I was also going to try the easyinstall)
> was an unversioned 'citadel.tar.gz' archive file.
> The debian/watch file does currently point to that same site &
> can't find anything...


This is something we're currently discussing and working on.  The filenames
don't normally contain version numbers.  We put together a hack to create
filenames with commit hashes in them, but that doesn't seem to be sufficient

I started looking around the build system to determine where we can pull the
version number from the build script, and discovered that there are now m4
macros that we can use to avoid having to update the version number in
configure.ac or configure.in in the first place, as it can pull from the
version numbers in the header files.  That's awesome.  Once everything is
consistent between all major components, we'll adjust the build system so
that it can expose a version number when we build the tarballs.  

Long term, I want to get rid of autoconf completely.  It's really ugly.

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