That's quite interesting .. I was also thinking of some other code bases that
could be scavenged.. [php comes to mind, there are interesting things in
there.. but I won't derail.. ]  

What mainly caught my attention is the inbox filter engine.  I'm not sure
(perhaps I should read back some.. ) exactly what you're referring to.  

Hopefully it relates to 'delivery'.  I've been running around the citadel
code like Joe Biden looking for an ice-cream cone..  tracking down what it
takes to get 'delivery' and where aliases are translated.  

I'm also thinking about the config option for roommailalias and perhaps
(going back quite a while) some kind of global aliasing scheme..  

Something like the old mail.aliases .. I'm still hurting for lack of that
functionality. I really think it should be "native Citadel". [<this-address>]
goes to [<this-one>,<this-other-one>] with no worries whether it's a room, an
account, a list, or an external email address.    


Something like that.  

>  Mon Oct 19 2020 11:11:36 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored 
>Subject: diff/patch library!
>    It's been said that a "POP Toaster" (a standalone mail server that does,
>at minimum, POP and SMTP) is an application that any decent hacker can throw
>together in a weekend. I found this one called "XMail"
>[] that was started in 1999 and apparently abandoned in
>2010. It doesn't have IMAP or Webmail but it looks like a nice compact little
>server that someone put a reasonable amount of thought into. I wonder if
>anyone is still using it. Nothing has been updated since 2010 and all of the
>mirror sites are long gone. 
>It's only a coincidence that I stumbled upon XMail, and I'm not actually
>interested in it at all, except to notice that it's an artifact of a time
>when lots of people were building little mail servers. What brought me to the
>project's web site was a mentio somewhere of a library called "libxdiff"
>[] that implements "diff" and
>"patch" functions as a C library. I don't know the relationship between these
>two projects, or maybe one is just hosted on the other's web site because
>they're the same author? But I've been looking for something like this for
>years. I don't know how I missed it until now. 
>Citadel's wiki engine stores page revisions by saving a MIME multipart
>message, with the first part being the current version of the page and the
>remaining parts being a series of "diff" outputs from version to version.
>When I wrote the wiki engine many years ago, I looked all over the place for
>a C library that could handle diff/patch functions. All I found was
>implementations in higher level languages. I briefly looked at GNU Diff to
>see if I could just pull out the parts I needed, but that code is so
>byzantine that there's no hope of taking it apart. 
>I ended up writing code that calls out to the "diff" and "patch" command
>line utilities. I *hate* doing that, and it's always bothered me. Now that
>I've discovered LibXDiff, I can rewrite that bit of code to keep all of the
>processing inside the Citadel Server's memory space, instead of making
>potentially insecure calls to system utilities. 
>But this effort won't begin until I finish the new inbox filter engine :) 



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