Maybe you just aren't cut out to be a forum moderator and it's time to hang
up the gloves?
People can't be good at everything and should stick to what they excel in
and leave anything they don't.

For example, I will continue to drink beer with the lads on a Saturday and
refrain from going shopping with the g/f :)


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Daniel Reimer
Sent: 23 November 2009 03:03
To: ReactOS Development List
Subject: [ros-dev] Regarding moderator status in the Forums.


as already said in the #reactos-dev IRC Chat yesterday I, too, think Z98 
is right 
this is not how a real mod has to behave. But this criticism counts for 
him, me and all others in the privileged teams IMO! I know that some of 
my behavior is more childish than anything else you could call useful 
and professional, but I ask you, what ways to tidy the forums up, do I 
have, except gallows humor and sarcasm? Lets explain what evilness I did 
this time again. Every day on my way to university I sit in the train, 
start Opera Mini on my Mobile and run through the forums to do my job 
and in recent times more an more posts with harmful and destructive 
meaning occur. Most are from our well known troll-friend nute, but there 
are other flaws right now, too. For example the newly registered 
members, who write one post with SPAM in their signature and hope that 
noone of the Mods recognizes it, but this is another story. OK, back to 
the main story. I looked trough his "When will Version 0.3.blablubb 
finally be done you lame, useless dumbasses of so called Devs"-post, 
which I already moved to Off Topic because his unintentional negative 
influence does not belong to the General Forums IMO. Well, I know the 
very last warning spoken by Z98 against me in the very same Thread and 
realized that the same behavior he accused from both sides reoccurs 
after just two days. Flaming and Bashing from both sides again... Well, 
I lock topics and get bashed, I warn ppl and get bashed, I rename a 
thread which has nothing to do with any Version 0.4.11 talk and more is 
meant as a battleaxe against the forum and the project and get bashed 
too, so I decided to do nothing except a good amount of sarcasm and 
properly renamed the Thread to "nute's private playground" which it was 
anyway at that time. Well, I had nothing to loose. All my steps would 
have resulted in bashing anyway, so I chose the funniest path. Some 
subjects in the forums play with us and noone cares. They spread crap 
about us, which could even harm our image and noone cares! And if I dare 
to try to sentence disciplinary actions, I get kicked from above. Well, 
why should I behave like a real mod pretending to be one? I have lost 
all power over the forums, because our own hierarchy fights against me. 
I have as much power in there like all others users, because most of my 
steps and actions are being reverted or openly criticised anyway. God 
its fucking frustrating to have no ways to moderate the forum at all, 
but being called mod! If we do not finally start to spread some 
authority in the forums and stop to always see the good person in such 
harmful subjects without the minimum of aggression needed to be a Mod 
IMO or giving mods like me ways to do their job without anyone always 
falling in their back, we can close down the forums immediately anyway. 
Psychotic trolls like nute and more than enough others need limits, 
otherwise they dance on our nose as they do right now and a hierarchical 
system which fights itself is no way to get this done. It did not work 
in the Weimarer Republik and won't work for us, too.

OK this had to be said, now kick me, degrade me, whatever you think is 
best, but please finally do it once and for all, please. Only the best 
for Project counts! I don't care what happens to me as long as we get 
this problem solved. With or without me as mod. Have fun.

Daniel "dreimer" Reimer

(still for some last seconds) ReactOS Forum Moderator Team Member
ReactOS Build Environment for Windows Coordinator

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