I see a branch was created with a funny name :). I asked Alexey to move
stuff from Alex's branch too, and I am currently researching what numerous
"aicom-*" branches contain.
It's a lot of work, so expect big commits in the beginning of december,
before that only preliminary and organization stuff I will do. I will keep
you informed about my plans, problems and progress here.

// Oleg Baikalow
2010/10/28 Oleg Baikalow <obaika...@gmail.com>

> My humble message seems to generate big flame :) Olaf - thank you, I will
> join IRC if I need to ask something about compiling, however ReactOS really
> looks very easy to build. I just downloaded RosBE, installed it, and that's
> it. I have yet to figure out how to test better (going to try different
> virtual machines), but that's not a big problem.
> I will keep all development related issues on this mailing list as you
> wish. On my dayjob access to IRC is also very problematic.
> // Oleg Baikalow
> 2010/10/27 Olaf Siejka <cae...@gmail.com>
>>   > create a wiki page and post the link everytime someone needs that
>> introduction
>> I am sorry, my cloning machine is currently out of order and i`m stuck
>> with only myself. Its getting hard to keep several things at order, also i
>> dont see many volounteers, willing to help us out...
>> Again, my proposal regarding irc was strictly limited to what i explained
>> in my previous message. Please do not escalate it into quarel regarding
>> project communication. This thread was dedicated to our new guest and his
>> possible work on ROS networking. It is not very polite to hijack it for own
>> opinions on something completely unrelated.
>> I am sorry, Oleg, it should not have happened.
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