Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I had some issues sending to the 
mailing list after I moved to my address. But (if you're reading 
this) I've since resolved those issues.

Here is a summary of my branches:

tcp-rewrite-branch: A branch which aims to replace our OSKit-based TCP 
implementation with a lwIP-based implementation. Current problems are very low 
throughput (~10x slower than oskittcp) and listen/accept issues.

aicom-network-branch: A branch with a few NDIS changes (unfinished), but more 
importantly all of Alex's changes merged and several fixes to them. Ws2_32.dll 
in this branch is ws2_32_new.dll in trunk. Ws2_32.dll doesn't work in this 
branch because there is still some registry configuration that needs to be done 
for the Winsock providers catalog. Mswsock.dll in this branch is the 
replacement for msafd.dll in trunk. It has some problems with async selects but 
that's about it (to my knowledge). Simple applications such as rapps and dwnl 
work, but more complex applications like firefox and mirc are broken. The 
ws2help.dll from Alex's branch has already been merged to trunk and this 
branch. I found it is easiest to work on mswsock.dll using ws2_32.dll from 
trunk (catalog.c needs to be changed to look for mswsock.dll instead of 

aicom-hardware-fun: Not a networking branch

Please don't merge from Alex's branch for the Winsock items. Instead, use 
aicom-network-branch because it has many fixes by Art Yerkes and I. Feel free 
to review our patches if you'd like.

Cameron Gutman (aicom)

On Nov 6, 2010, at 2:36 PM, Oleg Baikalow wrote:

> I see a branch was created with a funny name :). I asked Alexey to move stuff 
> from Alex's branch too, and I am currently researching what numerous 
> "aicom-*" branches contain.
> It's a lot of work, so expect big commits in the beginning of december, 
> before that only preliminary and organization stuff I will do. I will keep 
> you informed about my plans, problems and progress here.
> // Oleg Baikalow
> 2010/10/28 Oleg Baikalow <>
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