Hi Pierre,

Why not just drop support for FF entirely from rapps? I'd say better
no browser than a terribly outdated one.

If users want FF they can do this:
C:\ReactOS> ftp
ftp> open ftp.mozilla.org
ftp> cd pub/firefox/releases/8.0/win32/en-GB
ftp> get Firefox Setup 8.0.exe


On 15 January 2012 15:26, Pierre Schweitzer <pie...@reactos.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> with this mail, I propose we drop support for FireFox > 2 releases in
> rapps.
> The motivation is crystal clear: with their new release plan, they are
> releasing too often, and they don't maintain old links nor they provide
> a symbolic link to latest version. So, FireFox links in rapps are too
> often dead. So, they require a constant attention we can't offer (we
> have other cats to fry!).
> So, let's drop these multiple versions from rapps, and let just our 2.0.
> This will let users install a web browser and then install the browser
> they like using it.
> Anyone against this proposal? Otherwise, I'll drop all those links in a
> week.
> Regards,
> Pierre
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