Le dimanche 15 janvier 2012 à 16:51 +0100, Bernd Blaauw a écrit :
> Op 15-1-2012 16:34, Andrew Faulds schreef:
> > Why not just drop support for FF entirely from rapps? I'd say better
> > no browser than a terribly outdated one.
> >
> > If users want FF they can do this:
> > C:\ReactOS>  ftp
> > ftp>  open ftp.mozilla.org
> > ftp>  cd pub/firefox/releases/8.0/win32/en-GB
> > ftp>  get Firefox Setup 8.0.exe

This is not suitable. We have to keep something user-friendly. And
regarding that point, as usual, the less CLI, the better.

> b) only offer version 2.0 ? Why 2.0 specific?

Yes. Because 2.0 is frozen and we provide exe download on our servers.

> c) only offer 2 versions? One modern and 1 reference/test?

The was done before, but once again regarding the releasing method of FF
this isn't possible any longer.

> As usefull as old versions are for regression testing, users generally 
> like having an updated, or latest, version of everything.

This is why they would have FF2. To download the last available version.

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