Hello John,

What about this rule:
1. if a column is not prefixed, it is the main object.
2. every other column has to be prefixed with the relationship name

I already did this and checked it in.  You can still use the "tN" table
names and "tN_" column prefixes if you want, but if not, then just pretend
they don't exist and it behaves as you described above.

Cool. Now only 'sort_by' is missing. What about this:
1. if it's a scalar, use it as it is (use as sql snippet)
2. if it's a arrayref expand the column as for the 'query' parameter

Problem: ASC, DESC

sort_by => ['id']  ==> 't1.id'

sort_by => ['id DESC',
           ]       ==> 't1.id DESC, t2.region'

So maybe qr/^(\w+)?\.(\w+)(?: (ASC|DESC)?)$/ or something like this, to detect, if the search order is given.

Or do some DBMS allow other search order instead of ASC or DESC?

One problem remains:
sort_by => 'COUNT(id)'
But this could be done by using the scalar.

Using "fetch_only => 1" may work, but is not documented so you shouldn't
rely on it continuing to work :)  You use "fetch_only => [ 't1' ]" instead.
You never have to worry about numbering since t1 is always the primary

Oh, so I had pure luck :-)
I will change to ['t1']...

Bye, Uwe

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