On 3/14/06 4:17 AM, Michael Lackhoff wrote:
> Is it possible to either define a default sort_by clause in the
> relationship definition

See Uwe's earlier response for how to do this.

> or when the relationship method is actually used
> ($company->products({sort_by => 'name'}) or something

That's not currently possible because a hashref argument to a relationship
accessor method already has a meaning:

    # Set this company's list of products to
    # products 123 and 456
    $company->products({ id => 123 }, { id => 456 });

    # Set this company's vendor to Acme
    $company->vendor({ name => 'Acme' });

Can you think of a good way to pass custom manager_args to individual calls
to a relationship accessor?  Maybe a new read-only accessor type where
arguments can't possible be meant to set values?


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