On Thu, Apr 12, 2007 at 10:54:36PM -0400, John Siracusa wrote:
> > What about using Ima::DBI?  Would that stomp on RDB?
> I doubt it.  A Rose::DB object shouldn't care much what class its dbh is, so
> long as it acts appropriately like a plain DBI dbh.

Sorry, just getting back to this.

I'm missing something critical -- or something obvious:

This works fine in my base class:

    sub init_db { our $DBH =|| App::RDB->new }

I've got the same $dbh for the life of the program.

But, I'd like to try using DBI->connect_cached directly.

I first tried returning $dbh directly in the init_db call.  That's
were I misunderstood your comments, I guess.

So, then I tried passing a "dbh" param to App::RDB->new:

    sub init_db {

        my $dbh = DBI->connect_cached( @params );

        return App::RDB->new( dbh => $dbh );

Where @params does not change between calls.  I then get a new $dbh.
for new RDBO objects.

So, I'm not seeing how to correctly do this.


Bill Moseley

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