Under the "Detail" Tab, you specify the <typename a, typename b>
information in the "formal argument" list.

                    "Marcus Daiber"                                                    
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>          To:     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       
                    Sent by:                   cc:                                     
                    owner-rose_forum@ra        Subject:     (ROSE) Modeling Template 
Functions in UML                    
                    02/23/02 02:39 PM                                                  
                    Please respond to                                                  
                    "Marcus Daiber"                                                    

Dear All,
I am still hoping to find an answer to the question:

how do I model a template function in UML using Rational Rose.
An example would be the UML Representation of class x:

class x
           template< typename a, typename b>
           void yfunc(a r, b s){ doSomething(); }

I am quite aware of the possibility of using templatized classes, however
class x shall not be modeled as a template.

thank you for any help,


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