
Does anybody out there know of a way to create a collection of classes  (or
some how ear-mark a group of classes) that will get picked up by a Soda
report without having them in the same package?   I have created several
Soda templates that will group at the package level, which works just fine.
But it is an all-or-nothing approach at a package level.

Example:  We are working on designing some new functionality for the system,
and we have 8 out of 1000+ classes that need to change, as a result of the
current Iteration.  These 8 classes (VOPC) are not in the same package, say
they are in 6 separate packages.   Each of these 6 packages has 100's of
other classes in addition to the ones that we'd want to change.   We'd like
to run the Logical View Report just for these 8 classes (with our changes),
without having to move them into a single package just to have Soda Group

Any help would be Greatly Appreciated!


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