
Thanks for the reply.  Do you have a template that has this?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 9:23 PM
To: Eric Manley
Subject: Re: (ROSE) SoDA Template Question


One quick way that comes to mind is to create a Class 
diagram with the classes of interest. Then open that 
class diagram using a Repeat group where you select the 
specific name of the diagram. Then within that Repeat 
group you could iterate through all the classes that 
are on the diagram. You use the diagram as a sort of 
table of contents or view. You can then chase further 
relationships from each of those classes getting 
additional info on the methods and attributes if you 
need to. 

If you are not terribly familiar with Repeats, be sure 
to check the advanced button on the Repeat group screen 
to display the "where clause" capability.

Hope that helps,


Quoting Eric Manley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> Does anybody out there know of a way to create a 
collection of classes  (or
> some how ear-mark a group of classes) that will get 
picked up by a Soda
> report without having them in the same package?   I 
have created several
> Soda templates that will group at the package level, 
which works just fine.
> But it is an all-or-nothing approach at a package 
> Example:  We are working on designing some new 
functionality for the
> system,
> and we have 8 out of 1000+ classes that need to 
change, as a result of the
> current Iteration.  These 8 classes (VOPC) are not in 
the same package, say
> they are in 6 separate packages.   Each of these 6 
packages has 100's of
> other classes in addition to the ones that we'd want 
to change.   We'd like
> to run the Logical View Report just for these 8 
classes (with our changes),
> without having to move them into a single package 
just to have Soda Group
> them?
> Any help would be Greatly Appreciated!
> Eric
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