I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you are a database programmer.
I've had this same discussion before and had the same argument from the data

There is no need, IMHO, to insist that ID's be strings. ID's can just as
easily be a number which is actually easier to generate. A GUID makes a fine
ID if you are using a Windows platform.

Having said that, database keys may be strings that sometimes force the
object IDs to be strings. However, in most languages object IDs are
generated in the VM anyway, so you rarely get to see what they are.

Bottom line is to use what makes sense and not to enforce rules just for the
sake of it.

John Hebley

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jhon Jairo Cortes
Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2002 2:34 PM
To: Rose_Forum
Subject: (ROSE) Number vs String datatypes

Hi list.

We are doing a Desing rigth now, I'm promulging that the types of all the
id's in the system should be String, even more, I said that the only things
that should be number is the ones that will suffer aritmetic operations,
otherwise it should be string.

This come from my own thinking and i believe this is good to avoid
conversion and masking problems. Am I rigth, what do you think about?


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