The use case realizations are captured in the Logical View.  I commonly
organize the packages for a simple system as follows:

Logical View
        Design Model
                Use Case Realizations
                        Separate package for each UCR.

Under each UCR package, I have a use case stereotyped as a UCR.  The
activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and View of Participating Classes
diagram are attached to the UCR icon.  

Under each UCR package, I also have a use case diagram (or a class diagram,
if I use a RoseScript to generate the UCR hierarchy).  This diagram shows
the UCR icon, the icon for the UC it realizes, and realize relations from
the UCR to the UC.

Here is a question -- what do you do if you have MULTIPLE UCRs realizing the
same UC?  This can occur if a design team needs to work with multiple design

No real problem.  You can use the same package structure as shown above.  In
this case, each UCR package contains a UCR icon for each realization of the
same use case.  The use case (or class) diagram under the UCR package shows
the UC and all the UCRs for that UC, with realization relations from each
UCR to the UC.

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Todd Dunnavant
Technical Lead, IBM Global Account Team
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-----Original Message-----
From: Frank J. Lagattuta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 3:02 PM
Subject: (ROSE) From Use Case to Use Case Realiztion

I'm having a difference of opinion with some colleagues about how to
develop a Use Case Realization from a Use Case.  Everyone thinks it
should be done slightly differently and everyone has a good argument to
back them up.  I am looking for some info on how this should
theoretically be done and how it actually is done in real world

Can someone provide a good example (or a reference to a good example) of
how to go from a Use Case to a Use Case Realization within Rose. The
example should clearly define the relationship between a Use Case and a
Use Case Realization and also demonstrate what makes up the Use Case
Realization (Activity diagrams, Sequence diagrams, etc...)

Frank Lagattuta
Arborte><t, Inc.

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