Good info, thanks. One question below...
> -----Original Message----- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Dunnavant, Todd > Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 3:30 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: RE: (ROSE) From Use Case to Use Case Realiztion > > The use case realizations are captured in the Logical View. > I commonly organize the packages for a simple system as follows: > > Logical View > Design Model > Use Case Realizations > Separate package for each UCR. > > Under each UCR package, I have a use case stereotyped as a > UCR. The activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, and View of > Participating Classes diagram are attached to the UCR icon. > > Under each UCR package, I also have a use case diagram (or a > class diagram, if I use a RoseScript to generate the UCR > hierarchy). This diagram shows the UCR icon, the icon for > the UC it realizes, and realize relations from the UCR to the UC. > > Here is a question -- what do you do if you have MULTIPLE > UCRs realizing the same UC? This can occur if a design team > needs to work with multiple design concepts. Do you create a UCR for each potential flow thru the UC? That is, do you have a UCR for the main flow, another UCR for an alternative flow (perhaps an error condition), etc... This would also give multiple UCRs per UC. Your approach still seems to handle this nicely. -Frank ************************************************************************ * Rose Forum is a public venue for ideas and discussions. * For technical support, visit * * Post or Reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subscription Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Archive of messages: * * Other Requests: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * To unsubscribe from the list, please send email * To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * Subject: <BLANK> * Body: unsubscribe rose_forum *************************************************************************