Title: RE: (RUP) RE: (ROSE) Rational Competitors ?

All, I guess this is not a question which is
off the wall...

Essentially, it always a good thing to evaluate
the Pros/Cons of different Software Packages in
the field at all times.

And who better to answer this question than those
who have an extensive involvement as this
team (or forum).

Tere, what's very important when evaluating any toolset is
to understand what it offers to the business as well
as how it integrates with other packages in the
industry. Also, you'll need to answer the question,

"Will this package allow one to implement their own
business/design models and enhance over lifecycle/development

Many software vendors will try to sell you their product
by mentionning only the purchase costs.

You'll need to factor in any useability, migration,
maintenance, support, infrastructure costs into any
decision you are taking.

On the objective front, Cindy you may be correct in your
statement. However, my gut feel is that individuals
will respond anonymously.

Regards, Fabio Voltasio, B.Eng

-----Original Message-----
From: Cindy VanEpps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 12:45 PM
Subject: (RUP) RE: (ROSE) Rational Competitors ?

I strongly believe that this forum, provided by Rational, is not the
appropriate place to ask this kind of question.  It is not the purpose of
this forum and you are not likely to get an objective response.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tere Ventura [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 12:44 PM
Subject: (ROSE) Rational Competitors ?


Do someone know Select Products (Aonix)?

We worked with Rational Products (Rose and Requiste Pro, mainly), but
recently other provider contac us to offer other solutions: Component
Factory, Select Enterprise, Perspective, etc.

Do someone have "X" opinion or know some comparation?

I know Rational, and I like it, but I need arguments and to know your

Tracy V.

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