Here's some more Excel examples:

' ---------------------------------------------------------------
' File: Excel.ebs
' Description:  
'               Uses OLE Automation to create an Excel workbook.
'               A worksheet is filled with subsystem, module, and assigned
' Created 11/09/95 by BILLJ
' Entry Points: Main
' Created by Rational Software Corporation
' (C) Copyright Rational Software Corporation  1996   All Rights Reserved

Sub CreateExcelSpreadsheet (theModel As Model)
        ' The following three objects are OLE Automation objects.
        Dim ExcelApp As Object
        Dim WorkBook As Object
        Dim WorkSheet As Object

    ModelName = GetAppName()  '***
        ' If an error occurs then go to the Trap1 label
        'On Error GoTo Trap1

        ' Create an instance of Excel
        Set ExcelApp = CreateObject ("Excel.Application")

        ' Make the Excel instance visible
        ExcelApp.Visible = TRUE
        ' Add a WorkBook to the Excel instance
        Set WorkBook = ExcelApp.Application.Workbooks.Add

        ' Create a Modules sheet and populate it with module names
        Set WorkSheet = WorkBook.WorkSheets.Add
        Dim AllSubsystems As SubsystemCollection
        Dim theClasses As ClassCollection
        Dim theSubsystem As Subsystem
        Dim theModule As Module
        Dim theClass As Class
        Set AllSubsystems = theModel.GetAllSubsystems ()

        WorkSheet.Name = ModelName '*** RoseApp.Name
        WorkSheet.Cells (1, 1).Value = "SubSystem"
        WorkSheet.Cells (1, 2).Value = "Module"
        WorkSheet.Cells (1, 3).Value = "Class"
        WorkSheet.Cells (1, 4).Value = "Method"
        Row = 2
        For SubID = 1 To AllSubsystems.Count
                Set theSubsystem = AllSubsystems.GetAt (SubID)
                WorkSheet.Cells (Row, 1).Value = theSubsystem.Name
                Row = Row + 1
                For ModID = 1 To theSubsystem.Modules.Count
                        Set theModule = theSubsystem.Modules.GetAt (ModID)
                        WorkSheet.Cells (Row, 2).Value = theModule.Name
                        Row = Row + 1
                        Set theClasses = theModule.GetAssignedClasses ()
                        For ClsID = 1 To theClasses.Count
                                Set theClass = theClasses.GetAt (ClsID)
                                WorkSheet.Cells (Row, 3).Value =
                                Row = Row + 1
                        Next ClsID
                Next ModID
        Next SubID 
        Exit Sub

        MsgBox "Error!"
        Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub Main
        Call CreateExcelSpreadsheet (RoseApp.CurrentModel)
End Sub
Function GetAppName ' *** add this entire function to return app name
 Dim windowTitle As String
 Dim firstIndex As Integer
 Dim lastIndex As Integer
 Dim length As Integer
 Dim modelName As String

 windowTitle = AppGetActive$()
 firstIndex = InStr(windowTitle,"-") + 2
 lastIndex = InStr(firstIndex, windowTitle,"-") - 2
 length = lastIndex - firstIndex + 1
 modelName = Mid(windowTitle, firstIndex, length)
 GetAppName = modelName 
End Function
'This sample script creates an Excel spreadsheet of all the C++ properties
by class,
'name, type and default values.  It autoformats the sheet afterwards
'Tested with Excel 97 and Rose 4.5.8163.3
'Patrick Rutledge, 2/99

Dim ExcelApp As Object
Dim WorkBook As Object
Dim WorkSheet As Object
Dim currCol As Integer  'global column counter

'takes a collection of properties, the column name
Sub AddPropsColToSheet (inProps As PropertyCollection, inName As String)
        If Worksheet Is Nothing Then
        End If
        midCol% = (3 * currCol%) -1
        WorkSheet.Cells (1, midCol%).Value = inName
        row% = 2

        Dim aProp As Property
        For i% = 1 To inProps.Count
                Set aProp = inProps.GetAt(i%)
                WorkSheet.Cells(row%, midCol% - 1) = aProp.Name
                WorkSheet.Cells(row%, midCol%) = aProp.Type
                WorkSheet.Cells(row%, midCol% + 1) = aProp.Value
                row% = row% + 1
        Next i%
        currCol% = currCol% + 1
End Sub

Sub CreateExcelWorkSheet
        ' If an error occurs then go to the Trap1 label
        On Error GoTo Trap1

        ' Create an instance of Excel
        Set ExcelApp = CreateObject ("Excel.Application")

        ' Make the Excel instance visible
        ExcelApp.Visible = TRUE
        ' Add a WorkBook to the Excel instance
        Set WorkBook = ExcelApp.Application.Workbooks.Add

        ' Create a Modules sheet and populate it with module names
        Set WorkSheet = WorkBook.WorkSheets.Add
        WorkSheet.Name = "Rose C++ Properties"
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "error creating spreadsheet"

End Sub

Sub Main
        Dim defProps As DefaultModelProperties
        Dim theProps As PropertyCollection

        currCol = 1'initialize column counter to 1

        Set defProps = RoseApp.CurrentModel.DefaultProperties

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Class", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Class"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Operation", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Operation"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Attribute", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Attribute"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Category", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Category"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Subsystem", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Subsystem"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Module-Spec", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Module-Spec"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Module-Body", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Module-Body"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Project", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Project"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Role", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Role"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Association", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Association"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Uses", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Uses"

        Set theProps = defProps.GetDefaultPropertySet("Inherit", "cg",
        AddPropsColToSheet theProps, "Inherit"

        If Worksheet Is Not Nothing Then
        End If
                'release references     
        Set ExcelApp = Nothing
        Set WorkBook = Nothing
        Set WorkSheet = Nothing

End Sub

        I know a couple of ways to read data from an Excel sheet. 
Here a couple code snippets for reading data, but how you would 
like to do with the retrieved data (e.g. build some Rose model) 
would, of course, require your knowledge of RoseScripting:

1. Using ADODB and SQL queries, which allows multiple coonnections to a
single XSL file:

        Set cnnExcel = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        cnnExcel.Open "DBQ=C:\Temp\myXSL.xls;DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver
        Set rstExl = cnnExcel.Execute("SELECT * FROM MyNamedRange WHERE
        iCols = rstExl.Fields.Count
        For I = 0 To iCols - 1
                ViewPort.Print rstExl.Fields.Item(I).Name
        Next 'I

        ' Loop through the data rows showing data in viewport.
        Do While Not rstExcel.EOF
                For I = 0 To iCols - 1
                        ViewPort.Print rstExl.Fields.Item(I).Value
                Next 'I

2. Using Excel's own Object-Model for a more complete set of calls for
(e.g. PivotTables, etc.), but doesn't allow multiple connections to a single
XSL file. 
Check out Microsoft's MSDN site for a complete object-model for Excel (97,
2002, XP).

        Dim XL As Object
        'Set XL = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
        Set XL = GetObject("C:\Temp\myXSL.xls")
        XL.Application.Visible = False
      XL.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
        Dim SheetsCol As Object
        Dim PivTablesCol As Object
        Dim someValue As String
        With XL
                .Application.DisplayAlerts = False  'recommended for
automation calls
            Set SheetsCol = .Sheets
            Set PivTablesCol = SheetsCol(1).PivotTables
                someValue =
      End With

-----Original Message-----
From: Kennedy, Patrick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 2:26 PM
To: 'Ronald W Townsen'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: (ROSE) Rose Scripting and MS Access97

Look in the Rose script sample directory.  There is a script to 
read info from Rose into Access (not sure what version).  I also
believe I might have some examples stashed on my home machine, which if
I find I do, I will foward.

Patrick Kennedy
 Rational Support

-----Original Message-----
From: Ronald W Townsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 7:59 AM
Subject: (ROSE) Rose Scripting and MS Access97

Does anyone have some example Rose Scripting Code showing how to work with


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