On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 8:33 PM, Christopher Howard
<christopher.how...@frigidcode.com> wrote:

> I'm not much of an expert on MIDI or on Rosegarden yet, but if you'll
> humour me... Currently I am working with Rosegarden 11.11 (on Linux)
> with FluidSynth and the FluidR3_GM sound font from fluid-soundfont-3.1
> package. There is one issue I haven't quite figured out: with certain
> instruments such as the flute and the piccolo, the notes are played so
> smoothly that if one places multiple notes of the same pitch one after
> the other, they sound almost like one long note. With a real flute I
> would prevent this by using my tongue to expel a greater force of air at
> the beginning of the note (the "tu" attack) thus allowing even rapid
> notes of the same pitch to sound distinct. I was wondering if there were
> any capabilities inherent in MIDI or in Rosegarden that would allow me
> to better simulate this.

Yep, you can edit the MIDI events directly in the piano roll editor
and make the ending of each note slightly short of the beat --
Shift-Click the note and you can bypass the "snap to grid" and move
the end of the note arbitrarily. This can be especially effective for
brass where you want to make it sound like it is being tongued
correctly (and helps to contrast against a legato passage). You can
also shape the attack and decay of notes using CC11 (expression),
assuming you are using an synth or sampler or whatever that supports
CC11. This works very nicely for long sustained notes, where the
middle of a note maybe be slightly louder than the beginning or the

Note if you do change the MIDI notes in this fashion it can mess up
your notation, if you are using the notation editor in any fashion.

Brett W. McCoy -- http://www.brettwmccoy.com
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
it would overturn the world."
    -- Jelaleddin Rumi

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