On 11/24/2013 02:50 PM, wersdfihaspdojsdfjn...@freenet.de wrote:

> So I reconfigure my 3 in- and 2 outports everytime I start RG.

I didn't hear anybody mention Studio -> Save Current Document as Default 
Studio in any of this discussion.  The idea is to start with an empty 
composition, configure the MIDI connection nonsense how you want, and 
then save it as the default studio.  This is used when creating new 
document.  There is also "Always use default studio when loading files 
[]" on the MIDI tab under Edit -> Preferences.

Assuming you knew all that, there is still the problem of ALSA changing 
the ID of everything every time you boot.  Rosegarden uses a matching 
algorithm that attempts to deal with that by searching for a string as 
well as a port number, but in practice this algorithm hasn't ever worked 
that well, and it's frequently necessary to tweak things by hand.

It's supposed to be possible to get ALSA to assign the same ID every 
time by editing some arcane file and putting undocumented magic words in 
it, but good luck with that.  I've never gotten it to work.  The 
documentation that exists for that is like going to a foreign country 
with a simple phrase book that doesn't give you enough vocabulary to do 
anything beyond finding the train station or the bathroom.  There is no 
guide to learning the entire language as far as I know, and the whole 
mess is harder to decipher than Greek.
D. Michael McIntyre

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