
I don't have accesss to my machine with rosegarden. But while you wait 
for some ore authoritative sources of wisdom on the list...

> 1. If I have multiple tracks for the same piano instrument, if the
> tracks do not begin at the same time, when the later one starts, it
> causes a break in the playing of the earlier track. Particularly
> noticeable as it interrupts the sustain pedal.

Tracks (vertically stacked ones) or segments (horizontally organised 
coloured blocks)?

> 2. The piece has a lot of longly held sustain pedal. While editing, if I
> happen to start midway through a pedal change, it takes a while for the
> sustain to kick back in.. Is there some kind of autodetect to
> artificially cause the sustain or other controllers to kick in on
> playback start with the most recent value before the start time?

I think you are talking about midi controller 'look-back' i.e. a feature 
where upon playback the last controller should also be 'played' 
('sent'). I'm not sure if Rosegarden has that feature though

> 3. In matrix mode, it is very easy to select and move around notes, but
> if you have ranges to remove, the controller inputs very easily get out
> of sync. I end up deleting all the sustain pedal events, and rerecording
> just the pedal.

This is really a problem with having the sustain pedal being a channel 
controller, i.e. controllers are not tied to notes but influence the 
channel globally. I think they decided to have it that way because 
potentially you can have a sustain 'press' *after* a note is played...

Controller events should be somehow part of the matrix
> editor, so you can select and move them along with the notes they belong
> to. I tried editing in a "ruler", but I could never drag the events
> around. I would pull just a little, and it jumps way off, seemed like a
> bug. Also, I couldn't delete events in the ruler.

I agree though that controller editing has always been suboptimal in 
rosegarden (e.g. it should be possible to select a bunch of controller 
and drag them etc. to make the thing really usable - see how e.g. 
qtractor does it)

> 4. In matrix mode, particularly the velocity ruler, is there any way to
> apply a "velocity envelope" to a range of notes. That is, scale them,
> like a volume curve slider. So you edit the much simpler envelope to
> affect a whole mess of notes. Alternately, can you apply (not just
> scale) velocity to an envelope?

No but I'm 99% sure there's something in the Adjust (?) menu to achieve 
that effect like 'scale velocities' or similar...

> 5. Also in the velocity ruler, is there some way to show ONLY the notes
> currently selected? This would help considerably when the track might be
> playing 7 or more notes at once, and you want to affect only one hand's
> notes.

Not that I'm aware of. one trick I use is this: if you select only the 
notes you want to change the velocity of, then you can increase / 
decrease the velocity with a keyboard shortcut *I think* it is CTRL + 
SHIFT + up/down arrow or something like that...

> 6. Rosegarden seems to have a 5 minute limit. I cannot scroll past 5
> minutes. I can position tracks so they go past 5 minutes, but cannot
> access them. Is there some setting that controls this? My piano piece is
> 7 minutes, and I had to chop in half to play back everything.

Look at the menu Composition -> Change Composition Duration in the main 

> 7. Is it possible to continuously change the tempo of a piece? So like
> record a regular pattern, but have it easily start to speed up or slow
> down over time. I often find a constant tempo throughout to be kind of
> stale.

Yes. there is a tempo ruler at the top. You add start and end desired 
tempo change and then select 'ramp tempo' or something like that. Beware 
that this is a rosegarden file only thing and will not be exported to midi.

> 8. How do you change key shortcuts?? The default Play and Stop seem to
> be "control enter" and "insert", which are almost totally not useful to
> me. If it could be space to start AND stop, and when it stops revert
> back to when you first started, it would cure a lot of frustration.
> Also, "insert" for the key to stop is right next to the "home" key, so
> if I'm playing, sometimes I jump back to the beginning when I actually
> just wanted to halt playback.

Unfortunately I think you can't do it since rosegaden went from KDE to 
Qt.. Maybe it's possible to hack some configuration file?


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