On 06/24/2016 08:11 AM, Abrolag wrote:
> If I have to shut down the computer quickly I've been in the habit, of just
> hitting the 'Shutdown' icon on my desktop. This however, leaves a lock in 
> place.

   Try doing the same with LibreOffice.  E.g. open a Writer document, 
then do a shutdown without closing the app.  Do they leave a lock file 
around?  If not, then perhaps we need to add a signal handler (is this 
SIGINT?) to clean up the lock in this case.  Shouldn't be too hard to do.

> Also there have been odd occasions where I've got the impression that on a
> normal close Rosegarden has forgotten to remove the lock file.

   Need more detail here.  Perhaps if we address the above this might be 
easier to track down.

> Looking at the file I see it already includes a time and date field so I'm
> wondering if it might be possible to check this and if it's older than say 12
> hours assume it's stale.

   Might be a good criteria for offering an "ignore" button to clear it 
out easily.

> Maybe this could be tightened up further. If Rosegarden updates it on (say)
> record/play stops and starts, then the timescale could be safely reduced to an
> hour or so.

   Interesting.  This certainly would make me feel better that we aren't 
causing someone trouble.  Even just on the auto-save interval (two 
minutes or something) would be good.


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