On 09-02-2021 05:46, Ted Felix wrote:
On 2/8/21 10:19 PM, david wrote:
Also, what's a "sensible default" vs something that someone else might consider a headache or bloatware?

  Heh.  Yeah.  VMPK just added a built-in synth.  That caused me a bunch of head scratching since it broke my setup.  Had to dig through the menus to get it working again.  You can't keep the beginners and the pros happy.

  We've got documentation and lots of folks here willing to help.  I think we're doing it right.

I agree with Ted on the folks willing to help, but I do find the documentation lacking. His page (http://tedfelix.com/linux/linux-midi.html) appears to be what I was looking for (it does look like some work, so I won't have time to dive in until the weekend), but all this info appears lacking from the Rosegarden site itself. A picture of the required software stack like on Ted's page I think is most helpful (although oddly Rosegarden itself is not in it).

Also in this thread opinions differ on what is required or recommended: JACK? Obsolete with DSSI? DSSI itself obsolete? Maybe too many hardware combinations and choices to have a "sensible default", but then an installation wizzard like someone suggested would be a valuable addition. And I do maintain that since almost every compter has a sound card and speakers, which are known to the kernel and detectable, getting sound out of them should be automagic.

Traditionally Unix has been a bag of components and a bag of tools and users have had to build their own custom hotrod. But frankly, I've been there, done that, got the T-shirt (really I do - from the trade shows in the late 1990's): what I want these days is get things done. I want to go from A to B and don't care about the colour of the car or think about if I need spiked tyres along the way. That's why I asked whether Rosegarden is the proper tool for what I am trying to make (sound samples to illustrate music theory). Since I am looking for a program that can generate notes in Pythagorean tuning which is hardly standard, I suppose I need something fancy like Rosegarden so I will make the effort. But I foresee that I will come back with questions on how to get a non-standard tuning.

Maybe if I figure things out I will see what I can contribute to the documentation.

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