Thanks for testing. I just updated it to use git describe. Works well with only one git invocation. Could probably reduce it to just the hash and the * with string manipulation in cmake. Looks fine as-is, though, so I think I'll leave it alone.

  Please test latest git.


On 4/6/21 4:43 PM, Colin Fletcher wrote:
On 06/04/2021 20:48, Ted Felix wrote:
  Ok, shouldn't check for svn now.  Please test latest in git.

Yes, looks good. No complaints about missing svn executable from make
now, and "About Rosegarden" shows the right commit hash (including a '*'
at the end if there are any local uncommitted changes).

  I didn't use git describe, but it looks like I should.  I'll
take a
closer look.  Thanks for the tip.

You're welcome. 'git describe' output is a bit more meaningful than just
a commit hash: if all you want is a unique identifier it might not be
necessary, but it is intended for exactly this kind of use.


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