On 03/09/2022 14:25, Will Godfrey wrote:
On Fri, 2 Sep 2022 17:06:03 +0200
Lorenzo Sutton <lorenzofsut...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 02/09/2022 16:30, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
On 02/09/2022 11:43, Will Godfrey wrote:
On 7/25/22 4:00 PM, Will Godfrey wrote:
Is there any way to externally tell Rosegarden to close files and
cleanly shut

     pidof rosegarden
followed by
     kill nnnn
seems to give a clean shutdown, even of a running instance. So all I
need to do
now is write a small program to combine those into a single command -
might be
able to do that in python.

In bash you should be able to just do:

kill $(pidof rosegarden)

Or... with Python (including some fancy output in case the pid is not
found, e.g. because rosegarden isn't actually running) - something like


Yes that worked fine, but I need to make a correction.

While it quietly shuts down Rosegarden, it still leaves the dot file claiming
another copy of your project is running, next time you start.

When Rosegarden shuts itself down, this file is removed, but not when told to
shutdown externally. Can this be made to happen?

My project is particularly targeting people unfamiliar with Linux, who would
have no idea what to do under these circumstances.

It seems this hackery with xdotool [1] works, essentially doing the equivalent of focusing the rosegaden window and simulating a CTRL+Q keypress:

xdotool windowactivate $(xdotool search --all --onlyvisible --pid $(pidof rosegarden)) key --clearmodifiers ctrl+q

But, if the open file is unsaved, like with a 'normal' quit rosegarden will prompt to save. Not sure if this still works for you. Maybe you could concatenate with and && two similar commands first simulating ctrl+s and then ctrl+q, but that might or might not be desired depending on the use case.

Otherwise I guess that some (Unix) signal catching code should be added within rosegarden, but I'll leave that to Ted et al. to answer :-)


[1] https://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/

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